Ife Piankhi in Residence at 32° East

by Nikissi Serumaga-Jamo
Ife Piankhi is a recent artist in residence at 32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust where she explored communal trauma, communal healing and identity through poetry, painting, woodwork and collage arts. Ife explored these themes and a variety of materials from May to July of 2017. She also hosted two community conversations to exchange stories and viewpoints concerning transatlantic slavery, personal stories of migration and where the possibilities for healing lie.
Artist in Residence: Ife Piankhi from 32º East | Ugandan Arts Trust and StartJournal.org
Residence programme
32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust is an independent non-profit organisation, focused on the creation and exploration of contemporary art in Uganda.
Their multi-purpose resource centre is based in the capital city Kampala. Their programme offers artists in residence and members one-on-one drop in sessions for critique and professional development, workshops for practical skills and our regular discussion series, Artachat, for social engagement. Through the annual residency programme, we offer both graduate and professional Ugandan artists the space, time and resources to explore their practice as well as the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with regional and international artists. Each year, approximately 10 artists are selected to be in residence at 32° East with the objective of providing meaningful interactions with an artistic community through collaboration, discussion and innovative programming.
Nikissi Serumaga-Jamo is the programmes manager of 32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust. In conjunction with her colleagues, she develops and executes year round-programming including KLA ART Labs, professional development workshops and exhibitions. She is also the maker of “The Master and the Movie Doctor”, and the experimental documentaries “Speak Soon” and “Our Things”.