Introducing Dominic Muwanguzi: The New Startjournal Editor

Today we’d like to introduce you to the new editor of Startjournal.
But first… a little backstory.
”START – A Journal of Arts and Culture” is a Kampala-based journal covering visual arts, performing arts, literature, music and other creative possibilities on the African continent . Start has been published four times as a printed magazine between 2007 and 2010, and has been online since December 2010.

The first 3 printed editions of StartJournal (2007 – 2010)
The magazine was the brainchild of Ugandan Artists, Daudi Karungi and Henry ‘Mzili’ Mujunga. After the first 4 publications, which were sponsored by different foreign embassies, the magazine continued its journey online.
Thomas Bjørnskau coordinated Start Journal as it made its way onto the web. Now based in Olso, he worked as the Editor-in-Chief of Start Journal from November 2010 to July 2013. During this period Start Journal saw an increased readership and build a large popularity among the art scene. It became a reference source for many art students and more and more writers were given an opportunity to write for the journal. An editorial board was established, consisting of high profiled people from the various disciplines within the Ugandan art scene, such as Dr George Kyeyune, associate professor at Makerere University art school and Uganda’s leading expressionist, Doreen Baingana, one of Uganda’s best known writers, and, Dr. Sylvia Nannyonga-Tamusuza, Associate Professor of Music at Makerere University in the Department of Performing Arts and Film.
The website published regular thematic editions filled with special analysis, art critiques, artist interviews and other stories about the arts and culture scene in Kampala and beyond. Start targeted (and still targets) artists, art promoters and other art professionals, or anyone else with a special interest for original African arts and culture.

With the move from a static, printed version to a dynamic, online website, Start offers a forum and a meeting place where different types of contributors present their views on the current art scene from an Afro-centric perspective. The magazine is known for its good quality content written by regular contributors and invited authors, with a moderated discussion forum that allows for a critical view and interaction with the public.
Former Editor Kara Blackmore joined start from 2013. As an anthropologist, writer and museum curator , largely inspired by the interplay between arts and culture in East Africa she steered the journal into an direction that gave it a wider world view.. much beyond the original focus on visual arts.
New Startjournal Editor, Dominic Muwanguzi.
The new Editor, Dominic Muwanguzi, is an art writer and critic. He has said to take Startjournal into a new direction. Startjournal will be spreading its coverage to include art events on the continent, reviews of exhibitions on the continent and also give a voice to people who are facilitating the growth & exposure of Art from Africa.
It feels a little strange ‘introducing’ Dominic to you, as regular readers will know his work already. He has been one of our regular authors from the time Startjournal went online in 2010. He has also written critiques for The New Vision, Daily Monitor and The Independent Magazine.
Start is committed to publish several articles per month. Subscribers will receive an e-mail with highlights whenever a new edition hits the virtual streets of the net.
Start is always looking for contributors, if you have strong views and good knowledge of a local arts scene and the will to write about it, please click here for information on how to become a Start writer.
I am Zerihun Birehanu from Ethiopia. I want to contribute an article for Start concerning Ethiopian and East African art.
How should I submit it to you?
Kind Regards,
Zerihun Birehanu
Zerihun contact Dominic on