In the poem “Loose”, Daphine Arinda satirises the term used to describe women who are comfortable expressing their sexual desires. A woman who dresses sexy, dances wildly, enjoys sexual encounters is labelled “loose”. She is more of a threat because she does this for herself. Arinda claims this word for a positive use, aligning it to its other meaning, one akin to freedom. The woman in this poem becomes one who is free to enjoy her sexuality, saying, “But dignity and self-respect are MINE/ mine to lose.”
Read More >>Rosey’s Ssembatya’s mobile children’s library brings with it new ideas and approaches to reading and children. It is a unique arts innovation because; it focuses on children, their reading abilities, what they read, reading for fun, who reads for them. It also has a business niche to it. Tapping into a new young generation of readers, in a decade, we won’t have ‘Ugandans don’t read’ kind of phrases anymore.
Read More >>You walk my city With the freedom of sure feet Which touch inch and inch of sacred land Aware of the pleasure induced Aware that this is a trespass. My body is a curving case of crystals With each fondle,
Read More >>Why isn’t there enough to talk about high art in the Ugandan context? The most important ingredient for a thriving art scene seems to be missing: commerce. The Ugandan art scene has a strong influence from the Makerere school of
Read More >>32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust is an independent non-profit organisation, focused on the creation and exploration of contemporary art in Uganda. Their multi-purpose resource centre is based in the capital city Kampala and includes studios, accommodation for artists in
Read More >>One Ten on 7th is venue to the a night market a massive and engaging event that encapsulates cultural and global village. It also provides a home to Wild Coffee bar, Afriart Gallery, Sue Ochola’s De Roy champagne bar and
Read More >>Design Hub Kampala is an innovative creative co-working space in Kampala. The 2000sqm renovated warehouse recently opened its doors to a collaborative work environment where different people (entrepreneurs, freelancers, designers, writers, product developers, marketing minds, tech start-ups, and makers) can
Read More >>UNCC, also known at the National Theater aims to be a vibrant institution guided by unity in diversity, integrity and relevance to national development, nourishing, celebrating and promoting Art and Culture. Enjoy the quality programs of music, film, dance and
Read More >>Boutiq Foundation is a Ugandan community-based arts and culture incubator with a global vision, based in the Makindye district of Kampala. Over the past three years, Boutiq has organised events, music and film productions, established Nyege Nyege Festival, a pioneering three day
Read More >>ONE54 (former Tilapia) is located in Bunga, Kampala. There is a bar, restaurant, concert hall, cinema and comfy open-air terrace and a parking on the backside. They are bringing Live Music, Cinema, Performance, Art, Poetry, Soccer and other Entertainment to
Read More >>The 5 star theater interior and facilities that have been installed far surpassed everybody’s expectations. The class is unparalleled and the fittings rival those of any world class outfit. Visit Cafe la Bonita and enjoy a sumptuous snack or the
Read More >>The Alliance Française in Kampala encourages and promotes active, open connections between people in Uganda and French language and culture. It provides the means by which people can learn the French language and become engaged in the many different aspects
Read More >>The Square is a space that nurtures and supports innovation, creativity, the arts, culture and storytelling. Some of their annual events include Kampala Design Week, Writivism – Literature Festival, Uganda Press Photo Awards and the SWARM tech summit. The rooftop
Read More >>Bayimba Cultural Foundation and The international Bayimba festival recently occupied their newly acquired home on Lunkulu Island in Mukono district. The island which was acquired by Bayimba in November 2017 sits on 100 acres of land which is all a
Read More >>Overlooking Lake Victoria, Maisha Garden is designed as a series of open classrooms in nature to foster discussion, learning and contemplation. Founded by filmmaker Mira Nair, Maisha Garden is a multidisciplinary art space located on Buziga Hill in Kampala. Designed by award-winning architect-for-change Raul
Read More >>Ndere Centre is the Home of Cultures, the center is built on 9 acres of well-maintained green, beautifully flowered walk ways and shaded by very mature fruit and other African trees. The rare architecture is a seamless combination of artistic
Read More >>The Ugandan German Cultural Society was founded in 1989, with the major aim of strengthening and promoting the growth of bilateral co-operations between the people of Uganda and Germany and to promote the local art scene. Since 2006, the organization
Read More >>Afriart Gallery is a focal point of Kampala’s artistic community and provides a wonderful space to experience the exquisite art of Uganda. The gallery was founded in 2002 and has presented contemporary art for the past 15 years. Over this time,
Read More >>“Afriart Gallery is a focal point of Kampala’s artistic community and provides a wonderful space to showcase the exquisite art of Uganda. The gallery shows the best of African fine art. We serve individual and corporate clients, from experienced collectors to
Read More >>Makerere Art Gallery was founded in 1969 as exhibition space for the growing collection of art works by faculty and students of the renowned Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Arts. This collection, gathered from the early days of