With a season of arts and music festivals drawing near, this issue of Start Journal invites the Kampala arts community not only to look ahead to the opportunities of future festivals but to look back on where art in Kampala has come from, and how the last six years, the last two decades, even the last fifty have led to this point. By our recent new member of the editorial team Gloria Kiconco.
Read More >>The Journal has always aspired to be an indigenous-driven publication critically analysing and documenting contemporary arts and culture in Uganda. It would be even more valuable if the content of StartJournal is influencing the mainstream societal narratives. With this in mind we are now developing a larger communication strategy with the aim to connect the Startjournal content to other media. We foresee to increase the visibility of StartJournal content by pushing it to newspapers, news programs on TV and Radio and through social media channels.
Read More >>It is almost a year since the rebirth of Start journal. Artists write about their work and that of other artists. Art historians theorise and contextualise art, locating the social and political circumstances out of which it arises. Exhibition reviews are invaluable, as are readers’ comments both digitally on the journal pages and in live conversations. Editor in Chief Margaret Nagawa gives an overview of what was published in the latest issue.
Read More >>This issue demonstrates that the available archive of the history of Uganda’s visual culture is still rich, accessible and usable. However, it could shape a conversation on the country’s creative discourse if (and only if) we looked at it again and looked at it hard enough. Dr. Angello Kakande gives an overview of the articles in this Feb – May 2017 Issue.
Read More >>By Assoc. Prof. George Kyeyune
Start Journal of Arts and Culture is coming back after a break of almost a year. The break was necessary for its internal adjustment and re-organisation to set it on a new footing. It now has a new editorial team that constitutes high profile Africanists: Prof. Sidney Littlefield Kasfir, Assoc. Prof. George Kyeyune, Dr. Angelo Kakande and Ms. Margaret Nagawa.
Today we’d like to introduce you to the new editor of Startjournal.
But first… a little backstory.
”START – A Journal of Arts and Culture” is a Kampala-based journal covering visual arts, performing arts, literature, music and other creative possibilities on the African continent . Start has been published four times as a printed magazine between 2007 and 2010, and has been online since December 2010.
Read More >>Bayimba International Festival of the Arts, now in its seventh edition, continues to provide more for its expanding audience. This year’s program has two performance stages, yoga classes, experimental music as well as a discussion about artist rights. The visitors
Read More >>Biennale, Biennale, Biennale. Like a war-cry, the artist of Africa have something to say. This time they will be shouting out from the streets and galleries of Kampala. In a push to showcase Kampala on the global arts agenda, a
Read More >>The tension between public and private forms of art marks part of the identity crisis that defines making, exhibiting, performing and selling. Do we need to tick the public box to be relevant? How does the diaspora receive the references
Read More >>The Brief In a globalized world with borders and boundaries constantly being challenged, how can the arts define or redefine ambiguous states of gender or sexuality? Are there clear roles for men and women, male and female? Do contemporary artists
Read More >>Issue 39 of Start Journal intends to use the online platform as a space to inspire.
Read More >>Arts education comes in many forms and serves a multitude of functions. Start Journal wonders what it means to have arts education institutionalized and how states govern this process.
Read More >>The art world is full of problems and solutions. Sometimes the problems seem so insurmountable that one wonders how an inspired mind could surpass them. Other times the possibilities are so apparent that only fools would ignore them. Through selective
Read More >>Competitions can be classrooms. The Spoken Word Project in Uganda could be exactly that — a space to teach and learn.
Read More >>An Editorial Note What is the first thought that comes to mind when you hear about an art festival: Can I go? Who will be there? And if an artist has won a prize or an award, do you immediately
Read More >>Look forward to a new online edition of Start – A Journal of Arts and Culture. There are lots of Arts events happening in Uganda these months, and Start will once again host the informal meeting place, Start First Sundays,
Read More >>Welcome to the third online edition of Start – A Journal of Arts and Culture. We are now officially a monthly journal. Please join us at Cayenne at 6pm March 6th, to meet like-minded and to discuss the East African arts scene. This time we will bring some art works for an informal review.
Read More >>The START-team is happy to say we have a new collection of articles ready for the readers in the beginning of February. Sign up as subscribers to get the next issue delivered to your email.
Read More >>Start Journal will launch its fifth issue online. With the move to the Internet, Start aims to be an entry point for exploring East African Arts. But, of course, we can never beat the live experience at the galleries and
Read More >>The last quarter of the year was an exciting one for the Ugandan art world. It saw the arrival of the Dutch Masters Today exhibition at the Uganda Museum, which was unique not just because it enabled three prominent Ugandan artists—our own Daudi Karungi and Henry Mzili Mujunga among them—to exhibit alongside Dutch masters, but because our national museum actually hosted a modern art exhibition. Mzili talks to its curator, Ugandan expatriate David Oduki, and gets his ideas on one of our central preoccupations—how to get Africans to buy African art. In the performing arts arena, Tebandeke Samuel Lutaaya reflects on the history and development of modern dance in Uganda. We go beyond the purview of fine art to look at the aesthetics of branding with Michiel van Oosterhout’s piece comparing the marketing tactics of Uganda’s ever-growing stable of telecom companies. Finally, Dutch photographer Andrea Stultiens weighs in from the Netherlands in Notes from Abroad, we provide a primer for pricing artwork—and more.